Investors stage protest at finance ministry over locked-up funds”


The Locked-Up Investment Holders Forum has resumed picketing to demand payment for their investments trapped in distressed financial institutions for the second consecutive week.

The group resumed their picketing at the Finance Ministry after the ministry failed to engage with them as promised.

Despite assurances from Deputy Finance Minister, Dr. Stephen Amoah, to address their grievances, the ministry has yet to provide the necessary assurances to enable the Bank of Ghana to pay the locked-up funds.

The investors are demanding that the Finance Ministry provide guarantees to declare insolvency and revoke the licences of finance houses, including NDK Financial Services and SIC Life Savings and Loans.

Convener for the Locked-Up Investment Holders Forum, Dr. Adu Anane Antwi, speaking to Channel One News stated that the group will continue to picket every Wednesday until their issue is resolved.

“We haven’t heard anything from the Ministry,” he said, adding that they will only pause their protests in December due to elections and Christmas, but will resume in the new year if their problem remains unsolved.

“We are picketing every Wednesday until our problem is resolved and since it’s not been resolved, we are picketing. We have said that it’s only December that’s because of the election and Christmas we won’t come. If our problem is not solved after the new year, we’ll continue. We haven’t heard anything from the Ministry.”