Ivan Elolo Apedo:The 16-year-old prodigy who achieved exceptional success in academics and olympiads


Ivan Elolo Apedo, a 16-year-old prodigy, has made waves with his outstanding achievements in academics and Olympiads.

His proud parents, Joan Apedo and her husband, attribute his success to hard work, smartness, and a supportive family environment.

Ivan’s passion for fixing Rubik’s cubes and participating in Olympiads has earned him the nickname “king” of Olympiads, with a record-breaking number of laurels won.

Recently, Ivan graduated as the Valedictorian of the Ghana International Christian High School’s A-Level Class of 2024, with a remarkable GPA of 3.85.

He also emerged as the Best in Science and Overall Best Student, receiving awards from Prof Stephen Adei, a former Rector of GIMPA.

Ivan’s achievements have been recognized on the school’s blog, which described him as having “an extremely matured and determined mindset.”

Ivan’s journey has been marked by impressive achievements, including ranking in the Global Top 10 Candidates for the Singapore Olympiad 2021 and winning medals in various international competitions.

He has represented Ghana in several Olympiads, including the International Science Olympiad in Dubai, where he won a bronze medal.

Ivan’s accomplishments have made him the only Ghanaian candidate to win medals in six International Olympiad competitions out of seven in 2021.

Ivan’s parents are thrilled about his achievements, with his mother, Joan, expressing her pride and amazement at his accomplishments.

She recalled asking him how he felt about being Valedictorian, and he responded with a grin, “My class was highly competitive, with equally good students, and there were a lot of interesting challenges along the way, which thankfully, I was able to go through.”

Ivan’s goals are ambitious, and he aims to become a renowned computer scientist and engineer.

He draws inspiration from mathematicians like Newton and Benard Reimann, who remained committed to their faith despite their scientific accomplishments.

Ivan’s exposure to different education systems and challenges has broadened his perspective and skills, making him a shining example of determination and excellence.

The Ghana Olympiad Academy has provided Ivan with opportunities to participate in international Olympiad examinations, competing with students from over 30 countries.

His achievements have been recognized globally, and he has become a role model for young students in Ghana and beyond.

Ivan’s story is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and supportive parenting, inspiring others to strive for excellence.