I’ve not received any ex-gratia, I pay for everything myself- Mahama


John Dramani Mahama has opened up on the privileges he has been denied despite serving as president of the Republic.

The former President says having been deprived of his ex-gratia, he is still paying for basic amenities and other utilities – a situation he feels is unfathomable.

Speaking on TV3, John Dramani stated that the only payment he receives from the state is that of his monthly pension.

“I receive only my monthly pension like President Kufuor, and ex-President Rawlings was receiving [it] before he died. That is all I get”, he emphasized.

Mr. Mahama disclosed that provisions for electricity, water, residential and office space, fuel, airfare and healthcare amongst others are all borne by him without any support from government.

“I pay the electricity bill for my house and my office, I pay the water bill for my house and my office. I live in my own accommodation, so the State does not pay me anything for accommodation.

They haven’t given me an office, I rent an office in East Cantonments, I pay the rent myself. I pay my own fuel, the State doesn’t give me fuel. I pay my own domestic staff, I pay my own medical bills, I pay my own air tickets when I travel”, the ex-president lamented.

On the issue of the payment of ex-gratia as alleged by the Bono Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kwame Baffoe, popularly known as Abronye DC, John Mahama reiterated that he never took GH¢14 million as ex-gratia payment in 2013.

“He [Abronye DC] says that, in 2013, GH¢14 million was paid into my ADB account. That’s an absolute lie. The only payment that was made to me by government’s accountant general, was my salary arrears of GH¢230,000 in 2013. My bank statement has no GH¢14 million payment. I didn’t receive any such payment.”

A few weeks ago, the former President promised that the next National Democratic Congress (NDC) government will champion a review of the 1992 constitution to tackle issues such as ex-gratia payments and reformation of the Judiciary.