‘I’ve reviewed all the cases’, we’ll start rolling them out from October – Special Prosecutor assures


The Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, has announced that he will start working on cases before his office from October.

Speaking on Wednesday, September, 29, 2021, Kissi Agyebeng said he has been reviewing the cases and will begin rolling them out from October.

He explained that the Office of Special Prosecutor has the power to prosecute anyone who is found to have engaged in any form of corruption.

He revealed that most petitions brought before the committee concern with public sector; adding that the private sector is not exempted from jurisdiction of the Special Prosecutor.

“I said something at my vetting that I was going to review every case. Every single case. From 5th August till now, I have been reviewing all the cases. I’ve reviewed all the cases and from October, we are going to start rolling them out. The cases cut across. Everybody in Ghana falls under our mandate in respect of corruption and corruption-related activities. It’s not only about the public sector,” he said.

He said that some of the issues brought before the committee are ‘interesting’ and that despite having authority on all corruption-related cases, there some case which falls outside the remit of the OSP.

“Some of the petitions are very interesting that ordinarily some people won’t think about. There’s a family head here. He’s dissipating proceeds from the sales of stool lands and these persons are tabling them but I must sound this; it is not every case that the OSP is mandated to tackle,” he indicated.

Kissi Agyebeng is also confident of making corruption a ‘high-risk’ activity in the country as he promised during his vetting.

He also said that steps are being taken to set up and the OSP and make it operational.

“The office was established in 2018…the Special Prosecutor (SP) and Deputy Special Prosecutor were in office, so, imagine my shock when I go in to the office after August 5 and I noticed it has been established but hadn’t been set up and hadn’t been operationalized. So, I am setting it up, and operationalizing it…

“There are certain structures you need in respect of this office. There are divisions, departments, units etc. (but) none at all when I took up office,” Kissi Agyebeng explained.