‘Jean Mensa is the most corrupt & dangerous person manning our electoral systems’ – Dafeamekpor


Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, has labeled Electoral Commission (EC) Chairperson, Jean Mensa as the ‘most corrupt and dangerous person’ heading the country’s electoral systems.

According to him, the EC has tabled a Constitutional Instrument (C.I) before Parliament seeking to make the Ghana card as a base document to be used to compile a new voters register.

In a post on his Twitter handle, the lawmaker tasked Madam Jean Mensa to apprise herself with the dictates of the Constitution when it comes to who is eligible to be a voter in the country.

“Jean Mensa is the most corrupt & dangerous person manning our electoral systems. She’s brought a new CI to Parliament asking that only Ghana Card possessor is eligible to be registered as a Voter. I suggest she reads our Constitution to know who qualifies to be a Voter in Ghana,” Dafeamekpor tweeted.

The NDC together with its Members of Parliament have been cautioning against such a move by the EC since June this year.

Ningo Prampram MP, Sam Nartey George insists the move will deprive Ghanaians the opportunity to register as many have not received their Ghana card since registering for it.

“Even the Electoral Commission is preparing to bring us a CI that is to create a new Voters Register using the Ghana Card. But majority of our constituents have registered since 2018. The National Identification Authority (NIA) is unable to provide them with their Ghana Cards”, he stated in June.

Meanwhile, the NPP has vowed to ‘break the 8’ while the NDC is also looking forward to wrestle power from the incumbent party in the 2024 elections.

Source: ghanaweb