Kotoko fan’s furious plea and Opeele’s call for Ogum’s resignation amidst defeat to Dream FC


A disgruntled fan, furious after the defeat to Dreams FC, implored the present police officers to permit him to address the players.

Following a short conversation, during which he guaranteed no harm to the players, he gained access to the bus, but was restricted to standing outside and communicating with the players and officials.

The fan expressed his frustrations without resorting to abusive language, urging the players to leave the club if they were not committed to giving their best.

Coach Prosper Narteh Ogum is under increasing pressure following Kotoko’s disastrous run of form, which has seen them win none of their last seven matches.

A disgruntled fan, after the loss to Dreams FC, pleaded with the police to let him speak with the players.

He was granted access to the bus after assuring the police that he meant no harm to the players, but he could only stand outside and talk to the players and officials.

The frustrated fan expressed his discontent without resorting to abusive language, urging the players to consider leaving the club if they were not fully committed.

Former Asante Kotoko coach, Isaac Adade Opeele Boateng, has urged Dr. Ogum to step down if he cannot halt the team’s losing streak.

Opeele thinks that resigning would be a respectable decision for Prosper Ogum, as staying on could lead to disgrace.

“If Coach Ogum knows he can’t turn thingsaround, he should show respect to Kotoko fansand bow out. This disgrace is unprecedented inour history.

“Coach Ogum who won the league has nowbeen reduced to shreds. Coaching Kotoko is notabout your prowess but a good managementset-up.

The best decision I ever made in my life was to step down at Kotoko. This is the kind of disgrace they nearly did to destroy my image.Step down Ogum!”

Kotoko, who finished the first round in second place, are now 12th with 33 points from 26 matches due to their poor form.