Lack of development in the six new regions unfortunate – John Mahama


John Manama,the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has blasted the government over underdevelopment in the six new regions.

According to him,the six new regions established by the Akufo-Addo administration are merely symbolic entities without substantive development.

Mahama speaking at the jakpa Palace with some traditional authorities vowed to prioritize the development of the newly created regions if elected.

“It is easy to create a region, but the region must have certain things to be a region, the six regions that were created, were created just in name. The things that must exist so when you enter the region you will know this is a region are still not there.

“I can assure you that not only for the Savannah region but all the six new when the NDC comes into power, the things that you need to be called a region, we will make sure that you have them.”

He also expressed disappointment in the government’s decision to halt the Damomgo Water Project.

The former President underscored the importance of tangible development initiatives in these regions, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to fostering their progress if granted the opportunity to lead.