LGBTQI+ will be accepted in 50 years if we follow Sam George’s approach – NPP MP


Member of Parliament for Ablekuma North, Sheila Bartels, has stated that conversations about activities of the LGBTI+ community should not be discussed.

According to her, it is an agenda by the group to have it talked about in order to eventually get it accepted.

In an interview on Accra-based Starr FM on July 6, the MP said people have been paid to start the campaign which will eventually culminate in passing a law against the practice.

She stated that once the law is passed, loopholes will be identified and subsequent amendments will lead to acceptance of LGBTI+ activities.

“I think people have been paid because LGBTQ is something that is an agenda and their agenda is not for us…you and I. It is for our grandchildren. It is for our children and our grandchildren and if they say let us begin to engage now, create laws…once you create the law, eventually loopholes will come in. ‘Somebody will say ‘okay the law says that when two boys are sitting in a room and somebody goes to report and says X,Y,Z then the person should go to jail or whatever it is’.

“Then the next minute, my son and your son are sitting watching TV then somebody will go and report and after that, we will start fighting why is our children being bastardized [because of LGBTQ law].

“The law must be amended. We go and remove something then, we remove something and remove something and that is when eventually you will have a beautiful law which says that they can marry. We are where America was X number of years ago. They started engaging,” Sheila Bartels said.

The legislator added that if the country follows Ningo Prampram MP, Sam Nartey George, who is sponsoring an anti-LGBTQI+ bill in Parliament to pass it, the country will accept the practice in the next fifty years.

“We know there are people who are gay doing their thing, let’s leave it so that our children’s children will have the same environment. Trust me if we touch it and begin to follow after Sam George and his people and what they are doing, in 50 years’ time our children will accept LGBTQ. We should not start at all,” she added.

Sam George and seven other MPs are currently sponsoring an Anti- LGBTQI Bill on the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights that proscribes activities of the LGBTQ+ community.

People of the same sex who engage in sexual activity could spend up to 10 years in jail if the law is passed.

Source: ghanaweb