Mahama battling with intense memory loss – NPP claims


A communication team member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Solomon Kusi Appiah has claimed that former President John Dramani Mahama is suffering from retrogressive amnesia.

He alleges that the former president is suffering from a loss of memory and access to events that occurred under his administration.

Kusi Appiah said if the former president was not suffering this condition, he would not have asked Ghanaians to vote for him to come back and correct his mistakes.

The NPP communicator appearing on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm indicated Mr. Mahama lacks credibility, and cannot be trusted to manage Ghana because he was a mess when he was in office.

A vote for the former president he opined will destroy the gains made under the governing NPP hence Ghanaians should retain the NPP to consolidate the gains made.

He said for him to have admitted he committed some mistakes in the past should be a warning to Ghanaians not to reelect him as president because they will regret.

Source: rainbowradioonline