Mahama is tested and trusted, after free SHS, resolved dumsor – Nii Lante


The Member of Parliament for Odododiodio Constituency, Edwin Nii Lante Vanderpuye, has thrown a strong wind of caution to the New Patriotic Party to desist from vote-buying.

According to the National Democratic Congress’ aspirant, winning this year’s elections goes beyond deceiving electorates with money and bragging because voters can decipher which political party has had a successful term.

“This elections is not about money or bragging, it’s about someone who has been tried tested and approved who can deliver,” Nii Lante stated in a video sighted by Ghanaweb.

Nii Lante intimated that the NDC’s flagbearer has a track record of numerous achievements compared to their closest opponents who have only succeeded in collapsing businesses and rendering people jobless.

He said, “We’ve all seen John Dramani Mahama when he was president, the country was at peace, he solved Dumsor, he started free progressive SHS, he built hospitals, schools, roads what again.”

“Someone came for you to try him and now you are losing your jobs, collapsing of businesses, insecurity everywhere. Don’t make this mistake again because when John Mahama comes there will be jobs,” the former Sports Minister stated.

Nii Lante Vanderpuye is vying for a 3rd term in office as the MP for Odododiodio Constituency.

Source: ghanaweb