Mahama should be given credit for Tema motorway – Ex Deputy Minister


Former Ashanti Regional Deputy Minister under the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Joseph Yamin has underscored the need for the current administration to recognise the significant role former President John Dramani Mahama played in the construction of the Tema motorway interchange.

To him, the former President should have been specially invited for the commissioning of the project.

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Mr. Yamin said the NPP does not recognise the need to appreciate the efforts of the former administration.

He referenced how the late President Atta Mills invited former President Kufour to the commissioning of the N1 Highway because he [Kufour] started the project.

“Sincerely, if the NPP wants to be sincere, they have to invite former President Mahama to the ceremony and appreciate him for his performance. But I am not sure the NPP would be sincere to do that,” he added.

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The newly constructed Tema Motorway Interchange was opened to traffic on Saturday, May 16, 2020

The five new interchanges were built on the Accra-Tema motorway as part of the expansion works on the stretch.

The motorway was closed to traffic for construction works to be carried on the three-tier Tema Motorway Roundabout Interchange.

The project had a June 6, 2020 deadline but it has been completed before the scheduled date.

The Interchange is a $57 million project financed under a grant from the Japanese government through its agency, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

source: rainbowfm