Mahama vows to give Elubo new ultra-modern market


The Presidential Candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Dramani Mahama, has announced the next NDC administration will construct an ultra-modern market in the border town of Elubo in the Western Region to the size of the Kejetia market.

He has, therefore, asked Ghanaians to vote for him and the NDC in the upcoming general elections.

He asked Ghanaians to have an introspection into their lives and determine whether or not their standard of living under the current administration has improved.

He expressed optimism that Ghanaians will vote against the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) to give the NDC the chance to form the next government.

On Friday, October 23, his Vice Presidential candidate, Professor Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang also assured market women that the next government of the NDC will ensure that befitting spaces are provided to them to carry out their trade.

A decent market space will indicate that the women are being respected for the kind of profession they have chosen, she said.

“Market women need more decent market spaces to trade,” Prof Opoku-Agyemang said during the ‘Women in a Conversation with Naana’ event.

She added, “We need markets that look like Kotokuraba market in Cape Coast and such interventions show respect for our women because the market place is the office of the market woman.”

Source: 3 News