Mahmoud Bawumia’s campaign stragedy under threat from tribalism and lobbying


Mahmoud Bawumia’s campaign strategy has energized the nation, ditching elitism for humility.

He’s connected with pedestrians, traded suits for casual wear, and embraced marathon walks.

This approach has softened hearts, drawn massive crowds, and endeared him to the youth. However, beneath his beaming smile, Bawumia conceals a troubled heart.

His freedom to choose a running mate is under siege, threatened by contestants, self-appointed electoral commissions, and lobbyists.

Social media cheerleaders and mercenaries add pressure, releasing sensational headlines and names.

Gender groups remind him of the importance of their votes, while blackmailers threaten to turn against him if their preferred choice isn’t selected.

The party’s elders must intervene to restore dignity and respect Bawumia’s choice, ensuring the gains made aren’t lost to tribalism and division.

The stage is set for a potential split in the party, and tension awaits the declaration of a running mate.

The council of elders must step in to put the house in order and respect Bawumia’s decision, allowing him to choose his running mate without coercion or blackmail.

This will prevent a split in the party and ensure a united front moving forward. The future of the party depends on the elders’ ability to restore order and respect Bawumia’s choice.

Bawumia’s campaign has shown a new face of politics, one that is inclusive and grassroots-driven.

His message of development and freedom has resonated with the people, and his humility has earned him a place in their hearts.

However, the looming threat of tribalism and division threatens to undermine his progress.

The party elders must act swiftly to prevent this, ensuring that Bawumia’s choice is respected and the party remains united.

The nation watches with bated breath, hoping that wisdom and unity will prevail.