Man mysteriously dies after getting drunk at a funeral in Tarkwa


56-year-old Ekow Fynn has died after getting drunk at a funeral at Akon, a suburb of Tarkwa.

Speaking to the Unit Committee Chairman of Akon, Frank Boham said “I had a call that someone had died in his room at Akon, but when I got there, they had conveyed the body to morgue”.

He said the deceased was brought home by friends after getting drunk at the funeral on Sunday.

His mother received him and made him sleep in his room. The mother visited the deceased and fed him on Monday morning.

He added, “the mother didn’t go to the deceased room again, thinking that he had recovered and gone out”.

However, on Wednesday morning people saw flies hovering around the deceased’s windows and doors, so they forcefully opened the door and saw the lifeless body of Ekow Fynn.

They quickly mobilized the body to the morgue for preservation.

According people who went to pick the deceased to the morgue, the body had started decaying.

Source: www.ghanaweb