Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah says 9 months long enough to make a mark at Local Gov’t Ministry


Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, the Minister-Designate for the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation, and Rural Development, has expressed confidence that nine months is sufficient to make a significant impact.

During his vetting by the Appointment Committee of Parliament in Accra on Tuesday, he was asked about the potential impacts he could make given the limited time he would serve as the Minister of Local Government, Decentralisation, and Rural Development.

Mr Korsah responded by stating that his predecessor, Dan Botwe, had initiated a considerable amount of work that he could complete within the limited timeframe.

He expressed optimism about building on these foundations to achieve meaningful progress.

“Nine or ten months, yes, but I come from the background that these are governance issues, and Mr Chairman, a day, a week, a month involvement in governance means so much because a decision can have a lot of impact on the lives of our people. So, nine months in the life of a government, I think, is long enough to make some changes.”

“My Minister, the honourable Dan Botwe has done a lot of wonderful work that remains unfinished. And so there is a lot to do to bring to finality most of the wonderful initiatives,” he stated.