Military shot Nuaso residents with live bullets during ECG meter installation – Assemblyman


The Assemblyman for Nuaso Old Town in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality, Samuel Torgbor has accused the Military detachment who are assisting the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to install prepaid meters of assault of shooting nine residents with live bullets.

According to him, the injured persons are currently receiving treatment at the St. Martins Deporess Hospital at Agormanya, with some expected to be transferred to the Eastern Regional Hospital in Koforidua.

On Monday, 22nd August 2022, there were reports that the military team attacked and severely subjected some of the residents to beatings, even though they did not resist the installation of the meters.

The unprovoked attacks left many injured while others live in fear.

The Assemblyman for Nuaso, Samuel Torgbor in an interview on Ghana Kasa show on Kasapa 102.5FM/Agoo TV condemned the unprovoked shooting and beating of the residents by the military and called for peace to make the exercise successful.

“I’m shocked the military team shot the residents with live bullets. The injured persons are lying down in the hospital like wounded birds. Anyone who doubts should come to the hospital and confirm what I’m saying. The military team is aware of what they did. Why should someone’s life be threatened because of the common fixing of a prepared metre. Aside, from shooting people many people were physically assaulted by the military team including pregnant women.”

“The media should add their voice to ensure that there’s peace in Krobo land. Let’s stop shooting and beating people and rather see the way forward in solving this problem. How many people can the military kill? if they kill the people who are going the use the metres being fixed,” he asked.

In a related development, ECG in response to the accusation has condemned the incident, noting that “these attacks are unfortunate situations.”

“The team has withdrawn from Nuaso Old Town,” ECG stated.

Explaining what accounted for the attacks, ECG said “in Nuaso Old Town, there was resistance. One woman threatened to pour hot oil on the ECG personnel and the Military as well.”

According to ECG, “a crowd started amassing around one ECG Team. The Military was able to retrieve a cutlass from one of those amassing around the ECG people.”

“There have been reports of constant verbal abuses and attacks on the personnel doing the installation in Nuaso Old Town.”

ECG, however, called for peace and calm so that their personnel can be able to discharge their duties peacefully.

Source: kasapafmonline