Minister Mustapha Ussif outlines measures to prevent white elephant syndrome


Youth and Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif has unveiled a comprehensive plan to ensure the long-term maintenance and utilization of the state-of-the-art sports facilities built for the African Games Accra 2023.

The government’s significant investment in sports infrastructure has yielded world-class facilities at the University of Ghana campus and the Borteyman Sports Complex.

The facilities include a stadium, standard athletics and warm-up tracks, a rugby stadium, a swimming pool, and multi-purpose domes.

To prevent these facilities from becoming redundant, the Minister outlined a strategic plan to transfer management of the University of Ghana Sports Stadium and auxiliary facilities to the university.

Meanwhile, the National Sports Authority will temporarily manage the Borteyman Sports Complex pending a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement with private sector stakeholders.

Notably, the Borteyman Sports Complex is set to be transformed into a University for Sports Development, a vision that has been in the works since the facility’s construction.

A cabinet memo is pending approval, paving the way for the establishment of this specialized institution.

The Minister assured Parliament that he would seek further approval from the House once the cabinet memo is ratified.

This development ensures the sustainability of Ghana’s sports infrastructure and cements the country’s position as a hub for sports excellence in the region.

The Minister’s plan demonstrates a commitment to harnessing the potential of sports for national development and promoting Ghana’s reputation as a destination for international sports events.