Ministry of health gives assurances on resolving the issues of clearance on HIV Retroviral drugs


Dr. Kyeremeh Atuahene, the Director-General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, has expressed optimism concerning the clearance of anti-retroviral drugs that have been held at the port since July 2023.

He revealed that the Ministry of Health has provided assurances regarding the imminent resolution of this issue.However, Dr. Atuahene highlighted concerns over the potential repercussions if the drugs continue to be at the port.

He emphasized the importance of timely action in clearing the goods to safeguard public health.

Dr. Atuahene speaking in an interview,highlighted the Commission’s trust in the Health Ministry’s commitment to adhere to agreed-upon timelines to clear the drugs on time.

He also stressed the detrimental impact on Ghana’s reputation with donor partners due to delays in handling these vital donations from the Global Fund.

“We met the Ministry of Health to discuss this matter and we made it clear to them that it is really undermining the credibility and image of Ghana in the eyes of donor partners because all these donations are from the Global Fund, for which we are not paying a penny, and so why do we continue to have this situation on our hands?.

“We put people’s lives at risk by sleeping on the job and I believe they will take the necessary action to ensure that it never occurs again.”