Ministry of lands and natural resources calls for calm in Adamus resources limited dispute


The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has appealed for calm and restraint in the escalating dispute involving Adamus Resources Limited, a mining company in Ghana’s Western Region.

The Ministry’s call comes amid rising tensions and disagreements over the company’s management, specifically the Interim Management Committee (IMC) established by the Accra High Court in July 2023.

Despite its efforts, the IMC has faced obstacles in performing its duties, including being barred from entering the company’s premises by security personnel and police officers on April 17, 2024.

The Ministry has emphasized the importance of peaceful dialogue and negotiations to resolve the conflicts, urging all parties to refrain from actions that could exacerbate the situation and endanger the safety and well-being of affected communities.

In its statement, the Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring that mining activities in Ghana comply with legal and ethical standards.

It also clarified that the government remains neutral in the legal dispute and has confidence in the courts to resolve the issues peacefully.

The Ministry encouraged all stakeholders to collaborate in finding a solution that promotes peace and stability in the region.

The Ministry’s appeal for calm and restraint is aimed at preventing further escalation and ensuring a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

By urging all parties to exercise restraint and engage in dialogue, the Ministry seeks to promote a peaceful and amicable resolution that benefits all stakeholders.