Nana Ohene Ntow says Afari Gyan has been the best Electoral Commission Chair


Nana Ohene Ntow, the Senior Campaign Advisor to independent presidential candidate Alan Kyerematen, has lauded former Electoral Commission (EC) Chairman, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, as the best Commissioner of the Electoral Commission in the Fourth Republic.

Ohene Ntow, who was the former General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), praised Dr Afari-Gyan’s objective approach to his role during his tenure under President John Agyekum Kufour’s administration.

Despite facing mistrust from both the NPP and NDC at times, Ohene Ntow believes Dr Afari-Gyan demonstrated his commitment to fairness and impartiality, making him one of the standout Commissioners of the Fourth Republic.

“But honestly, let me say that after years of interacting with Afari Gyan, especially in my capacity as General Secretary through to that election, I think he’s probably one of the best Commissioners we have had in the fourth republic.

“I mean if you consider the situation where the NPP, sometimes doesn’t trust him, the NDC doesn’t trust him, that should tell you something about the man. I think he did quite an objective job.”