NDC aspirant for Krachi East Emmanuel Mawuli Kaledzi to prioritise agriculture if elected


Mr Emmanuel Mawuli Kaledzi, Parliamentary aspirant of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) at the Krachi East Constituency has said agricultural sector will take precedence over other sectors in his agenda if given the nod on May 13.

He said an expanding and diversified Agriculture would set the Municipality on a solid platform for industrialisation, which would see economic growth matched by
job creation.

Mr Kaledzi, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) said with yam and cashew farming being the mainstay of the constituents, his leadership would broaden the scope to produce the two crops as was given to the cultivation of cocoa over the years.

He reiterated that he would consult the traditional authorities, opinion leaders, Imams, Assembly members and in pursuit of the holistic and total development of the

He told the GNA that he was seeking to bring his numerous leadership skills, experience and grassroot politics to the forefront of development, which the Krachi East Municipality had lacked for many years and entreated the delegates to vote for him, and all other things would be added.