NDC will never scrap e-levy even if they regain power in 2081 – John Boadu


General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) John Boadu is convinced the Electronic Transactions Levy, popularly known as e-levy, has come to stay.

He said just like the Communications Service Tax, popularly known as Talk Tax, innovative ways will be found in making deductions for the e-levy without unduly disadvantaging Ghanaians.

Addressing a news conference in the Ashanti Region on Thursday, November 25, the NPP scribe stressed that no future government will scrap the e-levy when it becomes operational.

“When Talk Tax came, we were all paying but we didn’t notice,” he said in local language Twi.

“That’s a very innovative way of raising revenue [that] when the NDC came back to power in 2009, they did not remove the Talk Tax.

“So, I believe may be in future about 60 years time when the NDC returns, they will never scrap the e-levy. They will embrace it. They will be so happy. The only difference is that they cannot think like we do.”

Source: 3news