NDC withdraws Assin central parliamentary candidate


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has taken swift and decisive action against its Assin Central parliamentary candidate, Nurein Shiabu Migyimah, following serious allegations of immoral conduct and anti-party activities.

The Central Regional Functional Executive Committee (R-FEC) conducted a thorough investigation, which included consultations with key stakeholders and national party leadership, leading to a unanimous decision to withdraw Migyimah’s candidacy effective immediately.

The R-FEC’s comprehensive inquiry examined the allegations minutely and exhaustively, and the committee resolved to suspend Migyimah for six months pending further investigation by the Regional Disciplinary Committee.

His party membership has also been suspended until the final determination of his case.

The committee’s decision was communicated in a letter to the Assin Central chairman, directing that the decision be conveyed promptly to Migyimah, all constituency, ward, and branch members, and the party’s rank and file.

The R-FEC emphasized the need for strict compliance with this directive without fail, ensuring that the party’s discipline and integrity are upheld.

This decisive action demonstrates the NDC’s commitment to ethical standards and discipline within the party.

The Regional Disciplinary Committee will conduct a thorough adjudication of the matter, ensuring that justice is served and the party’s integrity is maintained.

The swift action taken by the NDC sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated, and the party remains committed to its values and principles.