New NIB MD claims Parliamentary candidacy won’t interfere with bank duties


Tweneboa Kodua Fokuo, the newly appointed Managing Director (NIB) of the National Investment Bank (NIB), has clarified that his role as a Parliamentary Candidate won’t interfere with his official duties at the bank.

Fokuo’s appointment has sparked controversy and criticism, particularly from the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Critics question the Bank of Ghana’s decision to approve a Parliamentary Candidate as the Chief Executive (CEO) of a struggling state bank during an election year.

Kodua Fokuo is the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate for the Manso Nkwanta Constituency in the Ashanti Region. He emerged victorious over four other contenders in the party’s parliamentary primary.

Kodua Fokuo emphasised his commitment to his work at NIB and his role as a Parliamentary Candidate.

He stated that he has never left the office for party work unless it was his leisure time.

Kodua Fokuo stressed that he sees no conflict between his roles, stating, “I do my work assiduously…I have no challenge in ensuring that the bank is run properly…There is not a single day that I have been outside the office that I am doing party work…If I will be outside the office that is my leisure time.”

“I don’t see any challenge. It doesn’t conflict with my official work at the bank,” he affirmed.