Nigerians and Kenyans rate trump highly despite shit-hole comment


Kenya and Nigeria are among countries where people have great faith in US President Donald Trump, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center.

The poll, the aim of which was to find out what the world thinks about Mr Trump, stated that 65% of Kenyans surveyed had faith in the US leader, with the rating dipping slightly to 58% among Nigerians polled.

This is despite Mr Trump’s past missteps – including reportedly calling African states “shit-hole countries”.

The two African countries were among 33 others polled outside the US between May and October 2019.

Pew also notes that sub-Saharan African nations have typically expressed favourable opinions of the US.

Kenya and Nigeria are both among the top recipients of US economic aid, according to the Washington-based Security Assistance Monitor.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari was the first sub-Saharan African leader invited to the White House in 2018.

The Trump administration also sold 12 US military aircraft to Nigeria in a reversal of an Obama-era policy.

Source: BBC