Odomase No.1 traditional council disputes Fiaprehene’s decision to join Asanteman traditional council


A dispute has erupted in the Sunyani West Municipality of the Bono Region between the Odomase No.1 Traditional Council and Fiaprehene, Obrempong Professor Kyem Amponsah II.

The council is vehemently opposed to the Fiaprehene’s decision to join the Asanteman Traditional Council, citing historical and territorial reasons.

Kontirehene of Obumasi 1, Nana Godlonve Kwaku Boateng, addressed a press conference on June 29, 2024, emphasizing that Obumasi was never conquered by the Ashanti Kingdom.

He asserted that the Asantehene cannot install a paramount chief on their land, as it is not part of the Ashanti Kingdom’s territorial jurisdiction.

Nana Godlonve Kwaku Boateng warned the Fiaprehene against joining the Asanteman Council, stating that he is free to leave their land but cannot claim their property.

He emphasized that the land belongs to their ancestors and the Fiaprehene’s ancestors were given land to settle on by the people of Odumasi.

Ohemaa of Odumasi No.1, Nana Yaa Adansi Puduo II, expressed disappointment and shock at the Fiaprehene’s decision, citing the history of their land and the trust placed in him.

She viewed his actions as ungrateful and a betrayal of that trust.

The traditional council’s stance is clear: the Fiaprehene cannot join the Asanteman Council while residing on their land, which belongs to their ancestors.

The dispute highlights the complexities of traditional authority, land ownership, and historical territorial claims in Ghana.