Ofori-Atta explains new look; I was diagnosed with liver problem


Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has opened up on his medical condition for the first time.

The Minister in an interview on Good Evening Ghana on Metro TV disclosed that he was recently diagnosed with a liver problem after he had recovered from Covid-19.

The Minister indicated that he began feeling unwell after he had been treated for Covid-19.

He said he began to feel jaundiced and feeling unwell and was eventually diagnosed with liver inflammation and required some work to determine what was happening to him.

Mr. Ofori-Atta said it took some time to find the ”probable cure” which involved steroids.

According to him, he went back for a review in August and the inflammation ”is pretty much gone”.

He further disclosed that his medical doctors are currently working around the clock to bring down the steroids so that ”one can get back to a normal life”.

The Minister said he is managing his life with good sleep, exercise and good food.

He expressed his gratitude to God and Ghanaians who prayed for him during the difficult times.

Source: rainbowradio