Only ‘wicked’ Kufuor refused to give me goodies – Rawlings


Former President Jerry John Rawlings has singled out his successor, John Agyekum Kufuor for exhibiting wickedness refusing to support him as has been the case of the subsequent regimes after him.

Reacting to reports that he is being influenced by the goodies he receives from the current administration for which reason he remains silent about corrupt activities being perpetuated by some appointees, he observed that the claims are untrue.

A statement from his office signed by his Executive Secretary, Kobina Andoh Amoakwa says “It will interest you to know that the former President’s charitable gestures which are well documented, have received the support of past government Chiefs of Staff with the exception of President Kufuor’s”

Read the full text of his statement below:

The attention of the Office of former President Jerry John Rawlings has been drawn to a publication in the Friday, August 23, 2019 edition of your newspaper headlined, “Rawlings Confirms Receiving Goodies From Presidency”.

While acknowledging your attempt to inform the public about the former President’s charitable endeavours, we find it unfortunate and distasteful, the inference that owing to the support of the Chief of Staff’s office, the former President has remained silent on the many ills in the Ghanaian society.

It will interest you to know that the former President’s charitable gestures which are well documented, have received the support of past government Chiefs of Staff with the exception of President Kufuor’s. By virtue of his political nature and what he stands for as well as being the most accessible former President, he is literally inundated with requests for help. It will be blind of most governments to be unaware of the burden of these requests.

To conjecture that any form of support has the potential to influence the former President’s thought process is absurd. Former President Rawlings often speaks his mind and it is inappropriate, incorrect and inaccurate to make such unfounded conclusions from a statement released from our office on a presentation made to a former National Democratic Congress Member of Parliament who has dedicated most of her life to the good of her society.

Yours Sincerely,

Kobina Andoh Amoakwa (Executive Secretary)