Outdooring of ambulance births massive jubilation at Obuasi East


There was spontaneous jubilation among the people, especially rural women in Tutuka and its environs in the Obuasi East District, when the new ambulance for the Constituency was out doored to begin operations in the area.

The women who poured out in their numbers to jubilate told the Ghana News Agency that, they would no longer have to be carried at the back of a motorbike to a health facility to deliver when they were in labour.

According to them, poor road network and lack of efficient transport services, especially in rural communities in the District, had been a major challenge to health care delivery, especially for pregnant women, resulting in several untimely deaths during childbirth.

Madam Faustina Amissah, District Chief Executive, said the outdooring was to create awareness among the people of the presence of the ambulance to support health care delivery in the area.

She said contracts had been awarded to construct a number of road networks in the District and appealed to the people to call the ambulance only when they were in need of its services.

Dr. Patrick Boakye Yiadom, the Member of Parliament for Obuasi East, stressed the importance of the ambulance facility and said it would greatly help the people especially those in rural communities during emergency health situations.

He said all the routes in the District have been shown to the operators of the ambulance to facilitate movement and efficient service delivery, adding that, what the people needed to do was to call 112 in case of emergency.

Source: GNA