Pandemonium as Kenya demoted top covid-19 scientist


The demotion of Kenya’s top scientist who was in charge of coronavirus tests in the country has sparked an uproar among his colleagues, according to local reports.

The health ministry said the demotion of Joel Lutomiah was related to delayed transmission of test results and administrative issues at the research institute.

Dr Lutomiah was serving as the director at the Centre for Virus Research and has been asked to resume his role as a research scientist.

But scientists have told local media that Dr Lutomiah was demoted because of his firmness in asking the government to fund and equip the Kenya Medical Research Institute, which is where cororonavirus tests are being conducted.

A researcher at the institute, who spoke to the Daily Nation newspaper, said Dr Lutomiah had threatened to stop coronavirus tests if the government failed to issue them with Personal Protective Equipment.

The institute had decried under-funding, and with the coronavirus pandemic, researchers wanted protective gear while handling the highly infectious samples.