Paris faces new restrictions as Covid-19 cases continue to rise

A man wearing a protective facemask walks past the Sacre Coeur basilica, in the Montmartre neighbourhood, in Paris, on August 11, 2020 as the mayor decided to make the mask compulsory in certain areas of the city to fight against the rising of new infected cases of COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus). (Photo by ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)

Inhabitants of Paris are facing new restrictions on daily life as Covid-19 cases in the capital and surrounding region continue to rise.

Although case numbers are high in Paris and the surrounding Île-de-France region, the capital has so far avoided being ordered to impose extra restrictions, unlike Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon and Nice where local authorities were told to tighten restrictions as cases rose.

The French government is hoping to avoid another nationwide lockdown, and is instead relying on local restrictions in areas where cases are high.

The government is monitoring case numbers closely and areas of particular concern – with high numbers of cases and pressure on local hospitals – can be instructed by the government to increase controls.

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Authorities in Lyon and Nice were instructed to do this last week, with Marseille and Bordeaux receiving the order a few days earlier. For a breakdown on local restrictions in these cities – click HERE.

French media reported that a meeting was held on Monday between Paris City Hall, the Préfecture de Police and the regional health authority of Île-de-France to discuss tougher measures, which are expected to be announced on Wednesday.

Also on Wednesday, France’s Defence Council is meeting to discuss the pandemic and whether any extra local or national restrictions are needed.

Local authorities in Paris have already introduced local mask rules requiring face masks to be worn in all public outdoor areas of the capital and its surrounding suburbs, in addition to the national rule making masks compulsory in all indoor public spaces. Failure to comply can lead to a €135 fine.

Source: Thelocal