Peter Nortsu-Kotoe claims the way Ghana Education Service handling interdicted headteachers unprofessional


Ranking Member on the Education Committee in Parliament, Peter Nortsu-Kotoe, has criticized the Ghana Education Service (GES) for its handling of the allegations against eleven senior high school head teachers who have been interdicted for allegedly charging unauthorized fees.

Mr. Kotoe suggested that the GES could have managed the situation more effectively by ensuring that the accused headteachers were given a fair hearing before the decision to interdict them was made.

The Akatsi North legislator, Peter Nortsu-Kotoe, expressed his dissatisfaction with the actions taken by the GES in this case.

“We are aware that firm instructions have been issued to the heads of the various senior high schools in the country, but I will say that they are working under certain conditions that make it difficult for them to deliver on their mandate. They might have erred, but I am not happy with the manner in which the Ghana Education Service has unprofessionally handled the matter. These are people working for you to help you pursue your agenda, so no matter what offense they commit, the first thing as an employer is to invite them and hear their side of the story.”

In a related development, four out of the seven head teachers who were interdicted for allegedly charging unauthorized fees in the Ashanti Region are expected to appear before a committee set up to investigate the claims today, December 12.