Police in Somanya in search for 8 robbers who attacked gas filling station


Police in Somanya are on a manhunt for 8 suspected armed robbers who attacked the SP GAS Filling station at Trom in the Yilo Krobo Municipality and made away with an unspecified amount of cash.

The incident which happened around 7:30 pm on Wednesday, October 11 saw the armed men subject the pump attendants at the station to severe beatings in a bid to retrieve information about where the daily sales and save was kept.

The operation lasted for ten minutes and the CCTV camera fitted at the station was destroyed before they fled the scene.

The police patrol team in the area responded to the incident late and met the absence of the robbers.

Meanwhile, the police who have invited the owner of the facility to help with investigations are also pleading with the general public to volunteer information that will lead to the apprehension of the robbers.