Police launch investigation into mysterious murder of 7-year-old


The Greater Accra region Police have ruled out possible drowning as the cause of death of a seven-year-old boy at Katamanso.

The body of Sadik Ahmadu was found in storm drain at Promised Land on Monday morning after he went missing Sunday evening while on his way to the barbering shop.

Speaking to Joy News, the Commander of the Zenu-Atadeka District Police, DSP Abdulai Mumuni, said marks on the deceased’s body during postmortem raised suspicions.

Also, the police after retrieving the body found it strange no water could be extracted from his belly when he was said to have drowned.

“After the doctor cut the body, he realized that something like a needle was used to perhaps draw blood from the body through both shoulders, the hands and the legs,” he told Joy News.

DSP Mumuni, however, confirmed that no arrest has been made as investigations are still ongoing.

“We have put some things in place to see how best we might get close to whoever might have caused his boy’s demise,” he stated.

Family of the young boy who suspected he was murder when the young boy was found dead are asking the police to speed up investigations into the case.