Premier League and elite sports to continue during five-week ‘circuit break’ lockdown


Premier League football and other elite sports will be allowed to continue during a five-week ‘circuit break’ lockdown which will start in England on Thursday.

They can continue due to the testing regimes in place for professional sportspeople, but amateur sports will be put on hold.

The EFL, women’s football down to reserve level, and the National League, are all classified as elite sport and are permitted to continue behind closed doors.

Asked if Premier League matches would still be played, prime minister Boris Johnson told a Downing Street press conference: “I can say yes to the Premier League. We will get through this. But we must act now to contain this autumn surge.”

Asked if Premier League matches would still be played, prime minister Boris Johnson told a Downing Street press conference: “I can say yes to the Premier League. We will get through this. But we must act now to contain this autumn surge.”

Closed indoor and outdoor leisure facilities include bowling alleys, leisure centres and gyms, sports facilities including swimming pools, golf courses and driving ranges, dance studios, stables and riding centres, soft play facilities, climbing walls and climbing centres, archery and shooting ranges and theme parks.

The measures, which will begin on Thursday and run through November until December 2, will see the closure of pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops. This will also see a nationwide ban on different households mixing inside homes, although schools, universities and colleges will remain open.

Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove has told Sky News that the Government could extend the national lockdown if data shows the infection rate has not fallen enough.

The prime minister announced the new nationwide restrictions at a Downing Street news conference, at which he said “now is the time to take action, because there is no alternative”. MPs are expected to vote on the fresh measures on Wednesday.

Sky Sports News has contacted the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and Premier League for comment following the announcement of a second lockdown.