President Gnassigbé of Togo officially begins his new term


Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, officially started his new five-year term as head of Togo. The leader was sworn in in the presence of various officials and important figures.

I, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, elected President of the Republic, following the Laws of the Republic, solemnly swear to respect and defend the Constitution of the Republic of Togo, to loyally fulfill the high functions that the Nation has entrusted to me,” said the leader who was re-elected last February 22.

Gnassingbé, it should be emphasized, begins his new term amid a health crisis spurred by the Coronavirus pandemic. To date, more than 120 cases have been reported (with the first case reported on March 6, 2020). 

It is in this context that President Gnassingbé has decided to put his new mandate under the theme of consolidation. The chief of State intends to consolidate all achievements of his government over recent years. In effect, the priorities of the new five-year term include: 

  • Preserving peace and safety, in a regional context characterized by a volatile and threatened security 
  • Putting in place more open and inclusive governance, which will improve accountability and allow citizens to keep track of decisions taken by the government 
  • Creating wealth by speeding up the growth of high-potential sectors, in line with the National Development Plan (2018-2022 PND)
  • Improving access to basic social services, for the poorest especially, working to achieve universal access to power, water, and boosting sanitation; 
  • Getting citizens closer to public administrations and facilitating their access to related processes, with digital technologies (no more fee to pay to get birth certificates, operationalization of biometric ID system, quality education, and health for all, etc.).

Source: Octave A. Bruce