Prince Charles bankrolls broke brother Andrew’s ­multi-million sex abuse payout to Virginia Giuffre


Prince Charles is to bankroll broke brother Andrew’s ­sex abuse payout with a loan to save the family honour

Prince Charles, heir apparat to British throne, is to bankroll broke brother Andrew’s £7million sex abuse payout with a loan to save the family honour.

The Queen’s eldest son, 73, is stumping up most of the agreed £7million with the Queen also chipping in — but no public cash is being used, according to report.

The Duke of York, 62, now has ten days to deposit the money so that his accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre will drop her sex abuse writ.

He will pay back Charles and the monarch when he gets the cash from the £17million sale of his ski chalet in Verbier, Switzerland, which could take two months.

If he fails to repay, Andrew will lose money from the will of the Queen, who is believed to have funded his legal battle.

According to The Sun that it was Prince Charles who told the disgraced royal to settle last month after lawyers said the Duke would give a witness statement to rape accuser Ms Giuffre’s civil case in New York.