PRINPAG tells government to save Ghanaian media from dying


The Private Newspapers and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) is calling on government to put measures in place to save the Ghanaian media industry from dying.


In a statement to celebrate World Press Freedom Day, PRINPAG further appealed to the government to support all media houses to be able to stand on their feet.

“On this special occasion, PRINPAG would want to seize the opportunity to urge the Government’s media handlers to be proactive and to engage media owners, editors and senior journalists more in an attempt to save the Ghanaian media from dying”.

“It is the prayer of PRINPAG that, the Government, through its handlers will put in place mechanisms to ensure that, all media outlets are supported to stand on their feet, whichever is feasible to do, to foster a close partnership and collaboration between the media and the government in the interest of the development of mother Ghana,” PRINPAG appealed.

PRINPAG admonished government to desist from discriminating in their dealings with journalists.

“We again urge the Government’s media handlers not to discriminate in their dealings with the media but to open up and to bring all media practitioners and their organisations on board to promote the national agenda,” PRINPAG entreated.

PRINPAG called on lovers of media freedom to stand up and defend media practitioners by condemning all acts perpetuated against journalists.

“On this day, it is important to continue highlighting the need to protect journalists and their sources from censorship, intimidation, and any act of violence. This year’s World Press Freedom Day must serve as a wake-up call to all lovers of media freedom to stand up and defend media practitioners by condemning all acts that end up negatively affecting the practice of journalism in this country,” it entreated.

PRINPAG urged journalists to stay focused and united to prosecute the national agenda irrespective of perceived political ideologies.

“Ayekoo to all media practitioners in Ghana as we urge you all to stay focused and united to prosecute the national agenda irrespective of perceived political ideologies,” the association urged its members.

Read below full statement by PRINPAG



Fellow Media Practitioners and Members of the prestigious Fourth Estate, as the World marks this year’s World Press Freedom Day today, May 3, 2023, on the theme: “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a Driver for all other human rights,” the Private Newspapers and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG), salutes all media practitioners in Ghana, who have sacrificed to take up the crucial role of the media practice in a democratic society.

On this day, it is important to continue highlighting the need to protect journalists and their sourcess from censorship, intimidation, and any act of violence.

This year’s World Press Freedom Day must serve as a wake-up call to all lovers of media freedom to stand up and to defend media practitioners by condemning all acts that end up negatively affecting the practice of journalism in this country.

It is also a wake-up call to all lovers of media growth to partner the Ghanaian and to support them in these difficult times to stand on their feet to defend our nation and our enviable democracy, which has become the toast of many in recent times.

On this special occasion, PRINPAG would want to seize the opportunity to urge the Government’s media handlers to be proactive and to engage media owners, editors and senior journalists the more in an attempt to save the Ghanaian media from dying.

It is the prayer of PRINPAG that, the Government, through its handlers will put in place mechanisms to ensure that, all media outlets are supported to stand on their feet, whichever is feasible to do, to foster a close partnership and collaboration between the media and the government in the interest of the development of mother Ghana.

We again urge the Government’s media handlers not to discriminate in their dealings with the media but to open up and to bring all media practitioners and their organisations on board to promote the national agenda.

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PRINPAG is of the view that, as we celebrate this year’s World Press Freedom Day, it is the desire of the Association and its members that, government reconsiders or restrategises on its media policy, particularly the distribution of state sponsored adverts so as to benefit the majority of media houses in the country, a move PRINPAG believes, will go a long way in sustaining the Ghanaian media and saving them from eventual collapse.

PRINPAG again urges the Government and its media handlers to consider bringing all media houses onto a common platform, irrespective of perceived political persuasion as a way of making information readily accessible to all to avoid the situation where due to lack of information some media houses are left with no option than to engage in speculations and conjectures to survive,

This way, the Government and its media handlers will be promoting press freedom and pluralism of the media, which is crucial for our development in these contemporary times, not forgetting the need to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression, as enshrined in Chapter 5 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

For us at PRINPAG, the theme for this year’s World Press Freedom Day emphasizes the crucial role of press freedom, media independence and pluralism as well as the freedom of expression in upholding all human rights. The theme also marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day and coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Conference and its Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights, as well.

PRINPAG is of the firm belief that, our Common Agenda in the fight against media oppression and press freedom, is to enforce the right to access information that allows us to seek, receive and disseminate information, ideas, concepts and beliefs across borders and cultures.

As a result of the widely accepted role of the media in today’s contemporary World, PRINPAG is amazed by the continued attempts to silence the media around the globe, with old methods of censorship, violence and harassment accompanied by increasingly pervasive digital attacks.

On this occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, PRINPAG calls on all media stakeholders, especially the government, to as a matter of urgency, prioritize the welfare and wellbeing of journalist throughout the country so as to ensure that, they are better placed to lend support to the national agenda through the practice of their chosen profession.

We also call for a swift release of outcomes/information on investigations into deaths and attacks on Journalists in their line of duty in Ghana.

For us at PRINPAG, we will continue to uphold the fundamental human rights of all persons and also use our mediums to protect and promote the rights of all persons in the country and these we will do by strictly displaying professionalism and the understanding of the nuances of the journalism profession.

Ayekoo to all media practitioners in Ghana as we urge you all to stay focused and united to prosecute the national agenda irrespective of perceived political ideologies.

Long Live Ghana’s Media Industry

Long Live Press Freedom