Rawlings died exactly 50 days after his mother’s death – Sister reveals


Former President Rawlings shared a deep bond with his centenarian mother, a fact which has been confirmed by many who witnessed the relationship between the duo in their lifetime.

Several people have described how the former head of state had been adversely affected by the sudden passing of his mother, Madam Victoria Agbotui.

Rawlings’s mother passed on September 24, 2020 after celebrating her 101st birthday on September 9.

In her tribute to the former President who was her only and elder brother from their father James Ramsay John, Judy Nkansah observed that he passed on the 50th day of the passing of his mother who was her stepmother.

“Jerry, you occupied a very special place in my life and have left memories that could never be erased. You regularly called to check on me irrespective of the time of the day and asked how I was fairing. Jerry, I’m not doing fine at all; since you slipped away from me. You were admitted to hospital on Sunday; a day of your birth. When we had our now last phone conversation on that Tuesday afternoon of 10th November 2021, you assured me that I shouldn’t worry but eat well and that you’ll be out of hospital soon.

“This flashes back to me often. But alas… jerry, you breathed your last on that Thursday morning of the 50th day of Auntie Vic’s passing and also left peacefully like Auntie Vic. My dear brother, when you slipped out of this world; you didn’t go alone, for part of me went with you. Why didn’t you drop a hint when we spent time at the sick-bed of Aunty Vic both at the hospital and at home? Not even during the numerous funeral preparatory meetings and at her burial ceremonies? Judy Nkansah Nee John intimated in her two-paged tribute.

Former President Jerry John Rawlings died on November 12, 2020, at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital after a protracted short illness.

He was buried at the Military Cemetery on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, after a four-day state funeral held in his honour.

Source: ghanaweb