Reject Akufo-Addo for not fighting corruption – Asiedu Nketia


The General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia has called on Ghanaians to reject President Nana Akufo-Addo and the governing New Patriotic Party in the 2020 general elections.

According to the NDC scribe, the president lacks the courage to fight corruption hence his call.

“Only a strong and unambiguous signal to President Akufo-Addo and his government can reverse the current drift of the country into an abyss of corruption and total collapse. We have the power to cause a change in the history of our country by refusing to surrender the public purse to a marauding gang of looters who present the facade of incorruptibility.”

Speaking to the media on Tuesday, Asiedu Nketiah said President Akufo-Addo’s government is presiding over the biggest heist in the history of the country.

“The records show that President Akufo-Addo is yet to show the level of courage showed by his predecessor in the fight against corruption. He lacks the temperament and courage of his convictions to take any far-reaching steps.”

The NDC general secretary was responding to the President’s comment at the Ghana Bar Conference in Takoradi that he had never independently declared any official innocent in instances where they were alleged to be involved in corrupt deals.

He added that the president failed the people of Ghana by failing to outline his steps to end the spectrum of corruption that has supposedly overwhelmed his government.

He further indicated that the country could be in for miserable times should the president fail to change his attitude towards the fight against corruption.

“All the talk of his incorruptibility on accounts of age and his life experiences are only artificial creations designed to clothe him in borrowed garments while he presides over the biggest heist in Ghana’s political and governance history. The anger is a clear indication that the patience of Ghanaians is wearing thin and unless a dramatic change in the posture of the president is witnessed, we could be in for gloomy times.”

Some corruption scandals that hit the Akufo-Addo led administration

The acting CEO of the National Youth Authority (NYA), Mr. Emmanuel Sin-Nyet Asigri and his two acting deputies, Mr. Richard Ebbah Obeng and Mr. Bright Acheampong, were relieved of their duties on the 3rd of September 2019 in a letter signed by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Isaac Asiamah.

This was because of their alleged involvement in some alleged shady procurement deals.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Public Procurement Authority, Mr. Adjenim Boateng Adjei was also suspended recently over some corruption and conflict of interest allegations made against him in a documentary put together by freelance journalist, Manasseh Azure.

Source: ghanaweb