Richard Boadu alleges coach Prosper Narteh Ogum behind his exclusion from Black Galaxies


Richard Boadu, a former captain of Kumasi Asante Kotoko, has made serious allegations against coach Prosper Narteh Ogum.

Boadu claims that Ogum was responsible for his exclusion from the Black Galaxies, the local component of the Black Stars.

In an online interaction, Boadu alleged that Ogum threatened to leave the team’s camp if he was invited to join, despite suggestions from other coaches and players that he be included.

Boadu, also known as Agadas, stated that he has recordings of conversations in the Black Galaxies camp that support his claims against Ogum.

He also mentioned that former Kotoko goalkeeper Ibrahim Danlad can corroborate some of his allegations.

Boadu believes that timing is crucial for playing in the national team, but Ogum’s behavior was unacceptable.

According to Boadu, Ogum rejected his attempt to apologize and make amends, even refusing his handshake offer when they met at a Kotoko match.

Boadu had tried to call Ogum several times to apologize for any offense he may have caused, but Ogum only picked up when Boadu used his wife’s phone.

Danlad, who was present during the conversation, can attest to the truth of Boadu’s claims.

Boadu’s allegations against Ogum come at a time when Kumasi Asante Kotoko has released 19 players, including Isaac Oppong, Steven Mukwala, and Danlad, following the end of the 2023/2024 season.

The talented midfielder’s comments have sparked a heated debate in the football community, with many calling for an investigation into the matter.