Salford Red Devils appoint Jadaru Mustapha as Ghana Rugby league development manager


Jafaru Mustapha, a renowned figure in Ghanaian rugby league, has been appointed as the Salford Red Devils’ first-ever Ghana Rugby League Development Manager, effective July 1.

This milestone marks a significant step in the partnership between Salford Red Devils and the Rugby League Federation Ghana (RLFG), established in October 2021.

The collaboration aims to promote rugby league in Ghana, make Salford a household name in West Africa, and develop local talent.

Jafaru’s impressive career in rugby league has spanned over a decade, from his beginnings as a university graduate in Accra to his current role as General Manager of the RLFG, National Team Manager, and lead on the Middle East Africa Championships.

His expertise has been instrumental in introducing rugby league to schools, clubs, and communities across Ghana.

In his new role, Jafaru will focus on embedding the Salford Red Devils brand in Ghana, identifying and developing young talent, and creating a performance pathway for players of all ages.

He will also work closely with local communities, inspiring young athletes and fostering a love for the game.

His goal is to not only teach the skills and strategies of rugby league but also to promote teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.

Salford Red Devils’ Managing Director, Paul King, emphasized the long-term vision of the partnership, aiming to see Ghanaian players excel in rugby league, wear the Salford badge, and bring their talent to the UK.

Remond Safi, MEA & Americas Regional Director, highlighted the significance of this appointment, noting that Salford Red Devils is leading the way in supporting and developing rugby league in Africa.

Rugby League Federation Ghana’s President, Madame Storey, expressed gratitude for Salford’s support and looked forward to the day a Ghanaian national represents Salford.

Jafaru’s enthusiasm for his new role is evident, as he aims to contribute to the development of future rugby league stars in Ghana and leave a lasting impact on the sport.

His first assignment will be mass coaching within the local school network, mapping a performance pathway for junior, youth, and adult age groups.