SEX PREDATOR: Lebanese accused of raping house girl


The Accra High Court has acquitted Rabih Haddad, a Lebanese man who was accused of raping his 19-year-old house help.

According to the prosecution, the alleged victim had been persistently harassed by the accused for sexual intercourse while she worked as his domestic help in his home.

They added that on two occasions; November 30, 2017, and December 2, 2017, Mr Haddad had sexual intercourse with the victim.

According to them, the alleged first instance of sexual intercourse between the accused and the alleged victim was reported to her colleagues who also worked in the house but was quashed because they were in fear of losing their jobs.

The alleged case was only reported to a police officer who took the case to the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) at Airport, on the alleged second instance.

However, in court, a jury of seven people declared him not guilty after the presiding judge, Justice George Boadi, in his summary to advise the jury said that the witnesses presented by the prosecution did not corroborate the story of the house help.

Mr Haddad was set free on Friday, January 31, 2020.

Source: MyJoy News