Sicilian Mafia Matteo Messina Denaro dies at 61 from cancer


The boss of all bosses of the Sicilian Mafia, (Costa Nostra), Matteo Messina Denaro, died tonight at the age of 61 from cancer.

He was caught earlier this year at a cancer clinic after being on the run since 1993 the sickness was what really gave him away.

His closest boys search for medical help online for him was tracked and monitored over a period to discover that he was likely down with cancer and the male patients visiting the clinics that offer that service monitored until he was arrested in the clinic.

The police made life so difficult for him for the 30 years that he never had time and was never married.

He never had peace of mind and freedom to enjoy the wealth, his personal fortune was estimated at EUR 4 billion. Which the state may take over to compensate any or all of his alleged victims.

 For years, he kept changing locations, names, and jobs and even lived underground! In all, his weakness remained gorgeously beautiful tall blonde girls.

Significant part of his wealth came from the wealth of his late Dad who was also a Don. He was the 4th of his late father’s children.

At 61, he died sick, unhappy, lonely and stripped of his wealth, freedom and dignity.

Sources suggest that The Italian police really made his life a living misery till the end and he did acknowledge them for their brilliant and patriotic job.