Sogakope’s murdered Assemblyman finally laid to rest


The late Sogakope South Assemblyman, Mawutor Marcus Adzahli, who was murdered in cold blood has been laid to rest as campaign to seek justice for him intensifies.

The late Adzahli was killed in his home by unknown assailants who broke into his apartment at dawn of Sunday, March 1, 2020. The armed assailants allegedly used cement blocks to destroy the assembly member’s burglar-proof doors before entering his room.

He was declared dead at the scene after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds, according to the police in the Volta Region.

Mourners, including the young and old, gathered in the Volta Region town on Saturday, to pay their last respect to the 37-year-old man, who many had described as kind and industrious.

There was heavy security presence to prevent any eventuality. Officers deployed ensured that the large crowd adhered to Covid-19 safety protocols to protect mourners from contracting the virus.

A delegation, led by Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress, joined residents to bid farewell to their departed son.

Many burst into tears as the remains of Mawutor, was being lowered into the womb of the earth at a public cemetery in Sogakope.

A resident said: “This is a terrible loss, a leader had fallen and I think this is a wake-up call for the state to prioritize the security of the people.”

“We have lost a gem,” another resident said. “How can these gunmen be so cruel. It is just so sad,” another resident said.

What we know so far

Five persons have been arrested in connection with the shooting incident.

They have since been arraigned before a court and are facing charges of robbery and murder, the Criminal Investigations Department had said.

Two former presidents — Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings and John Mahama -had joined the campaign to get justice for the slain man.

Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings for instance has placed a ¢25,000 bounty on the head of the killers, this is besides many other offers for information leading to the arrest of the attackers.

No officer arrested over assemblyman’s killing — Police

The Criminal Investigations Department had already ruled out a case of a possible contract killing.

It comes after the Volta Regional Police Command dispelled media reports that some of its officers were being investigated in connection with the killing of the assemblyman.

The command, in a statement clarified that the officers are being questioned over the disappearance of a service rifle at the Sogakope police station.

The rifle, according to the police, disappeared on March 7, 2020 whereas the murder took place eight days earlier.

Two officers have been arrested and are helping with investigations into the disappearance of the weapon, police say. They were named as L/Cpl Osei Sarfo and G/Const. Yeboah Charles.

Source: Daily Mail