State prosecution wants former MASLOC CEO tried in absentia


The state prosecution is advocating for a trial of absentia for former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Micro-Finance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), Sedinam Ationu Tamakloe, after her failure to show up in court since October last year.

The former MASLOC CEO who is facing charges for allegedly stealing and causing financial loss to the state, was granted permission to travel to America for medical examination but has since not retuned.

In regards to this development, the prosecution led by Stella Ohene Appiah, a Principal State Attorney on Monday January, 10 said, the conduct of the first accused person is to โ€œavoid the trial.โ€

She however, told the court that the former CEO should be tried in absentia as the court does not know when she would be returning to the country.

โ€œHer (Lawyer) does not know when A1 (Sedinam Tamakloe) is coming back and doesnโ€™t know the medical condition of A1. This is a criminal trial. This accused person is just trying to avoid trial. She should be tried in absentia. The prosecution has just two hours to examine her,โ€ she suggested to the court.

But the counsel for the accused person, told the court to give his client some time, arguing that, โ€œit is not as if A1 just got up and run awayโ€ but โ€œshe made a formal application to the court,โ€ Starrfmonline quoted.

The court presided over by Her Ladyship Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe however adjourned the case for two weeks till January 25, 2022.


The former MASLOC CEO and Mr. Axim have been dragged to court for allegedly stealing and causing financial loss to the state to the tune of GHยข93 million, among other charges.

Together, the two are facing 78 counts of charges including conspiracy to steal, stealing, and unauthorized commitment, resulting in a financial obligation for the government, improper payment, money laundering and contravention of the Public Procurement Act.

The two accused persons allegedly stole a total amount of GHยข3,198,280 while at MASLOC and willfully caused a GHยข1,973,780 financial loss to the State.

Again, Ms. Attionu and her accomplice while in charge of MASLOC allegedly made unauthorized commitments resulting in financial obligations for the government to the tune of GHยข61,735,832.50.

The charges against the two also include a GHยข22,158,118.85 loss to public property and improper payment of GHยข273,743.66 as well as money laundering of GHยข3,704,380 while in charge.

Source:ย ghanaweb