‘Stress’ is the cause of fish mortality – Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister


The Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister, Mavis Hawa Koomson has revealed that fish stress is what caused the mass fish deaths that washed ashore at Osu beach on Sunday, April 4.

In a Facebook post, the sector Minister said the revelation was discovered following preliminary investigations by Veterinary Doctors of the Fish Health Unit of the Fisheries Commission.

She said the Unit is working earnestly to ascertain more reasons leading to the incident.

“According to Dr. Peter Zidda, a fish health Specialist of the Fisheries Commission, further pathological investigations on the gills of the fish kills are ongoing and any new development will be made public,” her post read.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister, Mavis Hawa Koomson

Over the weekend tons of fish washed ashore which attracted many residents, some of whom picked them up either for consumption or for sale.

[Fish mortality will ‘destroy’ our business – Fish sellers]

cSimilarly, some 60 dead dolphins were sighted at the shores of Axim-Bewire in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region.

Washed up Dolphins at the shores of Axim-Bewire in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region

Subsequently, the officers from the Fish Health Unit and the Scientific Survey Division of the Fisheries Commission were dispatched to the scenes to take samples for testing.

Whilst the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has cautioned the citizenry not to consume the fish, indicating that they are “unwholesome”.

Meanwhile, Madam Koomson has announced her commitment to ensure that “fishes from our shores are safe for consumption at all times.”

Source: Joynews