Supreme Court Showdown: Barker-Vormawor challenges Chief justice’s role in EC case


Political activist Oliver Barker-Vormawor has raised objections to Chief Justice Gertrude Torkornoo’s inclusion on the panel hearing a case filed by Electoral Commission Chairperson Jean Mensa and her deputies.

The plaintiffs are seeking to discontinue the matter, but Barker-Vormawor has expressed concerns about the CJ’s participation, given her role as a defendant in the case.

The matter was adjourned sine die to allow for the panel’s reconstitution, as Justice Torkornoo acknowledged her involvement in the case and sought the parties’ consent to continue.

While the EC Commissioners’ counsel, Justin Amenuvor, expressed no objections, Barker-Vormawor insisted on his objection “for the sake of posterity.”

The case stems from a petition filed in January 2022, in which the EC Commissioners sought relief from the Supreme Court, citing “stated misbehavior and incompetence” and alleging public ridicule and prejudice.

The plaintiffs are seeking various orders, including a perpetual injunction against the Chief Justice from dealing with the petition’s contents.

The reconstituted panel will hear the matter, comprising Justices Paul Baffoe-Bonnie, Omoro Amadu Tanko, Prof. Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu, Barbara Ackah-Yensu, Samuel Asiedu, and Ernest Gaewu, in addition to Justice Gertrude Torkornoo.

The case has sparked interest in legal circles, with many watching to see how the Supreme Court will handle the matter.

Barker-Vormawor’s objection to the CJ’s inclusion on the panel highlights concerns about impartiality and the appearance of bias.

The activist’s legal team argues that the CJ’s involvement in the case could compromise the fairness of the proceedings.

The EC Commissioners, on the other hand, maintain that the CJ’s participation is necessary to ensure the matter is heard by the highest court in the land.

As the case proceeds, it is likely to have significant implications for the rule of law and the administration of justice in the country.

The Supreme Court’s decision will be closely watched by legal experts, political analysts, and the general public alike.