The Ashanti regional security councils stance against violent land guards


The Ashanti Regional Security Council has issued a strong warning against the rising trend of illegal land guard activities in the region.

The council is urging citizens to adopt lawful means of resolving land disputes, rather than resorting to violent land guards, whose actions jeopardize the safety of law-abiding citizens and lead to devastating clashes.

In a statement, the council highlighted the criminal nature of land guards, who employ violence to protect land and property, resulting in destructive confrontations.

However, the region’s unique setup, where stool lands are vested in the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, and his chiefs, provides a peaceful avenue for resolving land disputes.

The council is encouraging citizens to seek the Asantehene’s intervention in land disputes, rather than engaging land guards.

The council expects strict compliance with this directive and warns that those who hire land guards will face prosecution and legal action.

The land guards themselves will also face the full force of the law, and the council seeks the public’s cooperation to maintain peace in the region.