The Nabdam District Assembly presents GHC171, 000.00 worth medical equipment


The medical supplies are to be distributed to all the Community-based Health Planning Services (CHPS) compounds, to help reduce the challenges confronting the efforts of health facilities in administering quality healthcare.

The items would also boost the preparedness of the health facilities to handle the coronavirus pandemic, if it spreads to the district.

The supplies included; 10 normal beds, five examination beds, 10 Out Patient Department benches, 15 tables, 15 chairs, 10 cabinets, five set of veronica buckets, five delivery sets and five BP apparatus.

The rest are five weighing scales for adults, five weighing scales for babies, five dressing sets, 10 mattresses, 10 bed sheets and 10 pillow cases.

Presenting the items to the health directorate, Madam Agnes Anamoo, the Chief Executive for the area, said the Assembly assessed the needs of the health facilities and through its Common Fund procured the items to help improve health delivery in the district.

She said the health of the people in the area was paramount and the Assembly was working hard to combat the challenges to improve services.

The DCE assured the people that government was working to ensure that the district hospital that was promised them would be fully implemented.

Madam Anamoo called on all stakeholders to adhere to and enforce the President’s directives on COVID-19, to minimize its spread.

She called for intensive education and strict compliance from all persons and appealed to the traditional authorities to work closely with security agencies to ensure that public gatherings such as funerals, festivals,weddings and graduation ceremonies were stopped.

Receiving the items, Mr James Tobiga Naabil, the Nabdam District Director, Ghana Health Services, expressed gratitude to the Assembly for making efforts to address some of the challenges affecting quality health services in the district.

He said the equipment particularly the veronica buckets were timely amid the efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, which required regular handwashing.

The District Director said isolation centres were created across all health facilities to handle cases of COVID-19 in the region and advised members of the public to adhere to basic hygienic practices particularly regular handwashing to avoid being infected with the disease.

He appealed for more logistics including; infrared thermometers, personal protective equipment among others to enable health personnel work effectively.

Source: GNA